by Jennifer Grey | Oct 16, 2015 | From the Blog, Moving Beyond Violence, Resources, Thank You's, WCSWR News and Information
During the holiday season, your spirit of generosity and kindness is appreciated and celebrated by the staff and clients of Women’s Crisis Services. There are several businesses, community groups, individuals and more that come together to ensure that the...
by ksiopiolosz | Jul 29, 2015 | From the Blog, Moving Beyond Violence
I have worked for this agency for over 20 years and have had the opportunity to work with and support some amazing women during my time here. The stories we hear on a daily basis can certainly be difficult, but we have a job to do and that’s to help women live...
by Jennifer Grey | Jun 29, 2015 | Events, From the Blog, Moving Beyond Violence, Thank You's, WCSWR News and Information
Rebuild Haven House Ground Breaking Celebration Cambridge, ON- Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region (WCSWR) held a ground breaking ceremony today to celebrate the start of construction of Haven House, a 45-bed shelter for women and children who are...
by Jennifer Grey | Jun 17, 2015 | From the Blog, Moving Beyond Violence, Resources, Thank You's, WCSWR News and Information
It All Starts With a Step by John Goodwin There are two types of change for a person, Involuntary and voluntary. Involuntary change happens when a change is made for you by other forces or a change by someone else affects you. These can be...
by ksiopiolosz | Jun 4, 2015 | From the Blog
When we think about cybersecurity, we often think of security from identity theft, fraud, phishing, or hackers who steal passwords and information. But cyber “ or online “ security has a broader meaning for victims of domestic and sexual violence and stalking....