Keynote Speaker Sponsor: $6,500
Prominent logo placement on web and in all print materials. Introduce Melissa Moore (Keynote Speaker). Complimentary tickets and reserved table for 8. Exclusive Women’s Crisis Services dragonfly lapel pin x 8. Opportunity to provide your own branded giveaway to each attendee. Link from Women’s Crisis Services’ website and Facebook page. Banners at event (provided by you). Social media recognition. Recognition in event program and all promotions.
Dinner Sponsor: $5,000
Prominent logo placement on web and in all print materials. Welcome guests (speaking opportunity) from the stage. Complimentary tickets and reserved table for 6. Exclusive Women’s Crisis Services dragonfly lapel pin x 8. Opportunity to provide your own branded giveaway to each attendee. Link from Women’s Crisis Services’ website and Facebook Page. Banners at event (provided by you). Social media recognition. Recognition in event program and all promotions.
Dessert Sponsor: $3,000
Recognition in program, on website, on table tent cards, mention from the stage. Complimentary tickets and reserved table for 4.
Entertainment Sponsor: $1,500
Logo placement on web and in all print materials. Recognition from the podium and in the program and 2 complimentary tickets.
Audiovisual Sponsor: $1,000
Logo on web and print materials. One complimentary ticket. Exclusive Women’s Crisis Services Dragonfly lapel pin x 4.