November is Woman Abuse Awareness month
Each November, Women’s Crisis Services invites the public to learn more about violence against women and how they can support our work towards a safer community.
In 2014, our keynote speaker, Carolyn Cox, who joined us from Milwaukee, Wisconsin gave a very moving account of the 43 years of abuse to which she was subjected.
There really is no place like home when your life revolves around fear and trepidation.
Carolyn is an extremely brave woman, who has since remarried and built a new life for herself.
This link leads to the article that was published in The Record about Carolyn.
Show your support. Tweet, follow and share information on abuse and how to get help.
There’s No Place Like Home
The double meaning of that saying is intended to have each of you conceive your life as opposite to what it actually is… putting yourselves in another abused woman’s shoes.
Here are 4 facts that you may not know:
- while 80% of domestic violence victims tell family or friends of their situation, only 30% report the abuse to the police
- women aged 15-24 are most at risk of spousal homicide
- educational attainment and income has NO effect on women’s risk of spousal violence
- more than 2/3’s of violent incidents against women are committed in private residences, such as her home or the offender’s home.
There really is No Place Like Home
In Canada, women 25 – 35 years old are most at risk of living in a violent or abusive relationship. In Waterloo Region, it’s the largest age group of women using our shelters. The average age of the women we serve is 35. We serve so many kids because women are often mothers when they are 25 – 35 years old.
A common time for abuse to begin is when a woman becomes pregnant so it’s important women know the signs of abuse before they are pregnant.
Women often come to our shelters when they are concerned about their children.
We want them to know that every child is affected when they live in a home where the mother is a victim of violent or controlling behaviour. Even when the child is not present or a baby, they are affected— possibly for a lifetime.
Children living with adults who have an unhealthy relationship learn to model that relationship. It affects them now and shapes their future relationships.
The damage can be even more serious.

If you are experiencing a controlling or violent relationship, help yourself. Contact Women’s Crisis Services.
We can also help if you are concerned you may be noticing signs your relationship is becoming abusive.
You can help yourself and move beyond violence. You also help keep your kids safe and heal.
Contact Women’s Crisis Services for 24 hour support
Haven House in Cambridge: 519-653-5422
Anselma House in Kitchener: 519-742-5894