To mark Woman Abuse Awareness Month (November) we are asking you, our community, what is the ONE ACT you can do to help us move beyond violence?

One Act womanSo many of you want to help and offer to support Women’s Crisis Services throughout the year. We want to say thank you and we want to inspire others in our Region and around the world to do ONE ACT to move beyond violence.

There are some great examples right here in our communities: Colin’s Toy Drive, local quilting groups, our hotel and restaurant partners who provide meals to our residents, and so many more who are doing ONE ACT of kindness and awareness about domestic violence.

Team one act   office one act

What is ONE act you can do to stop abuse in our community?

What is ONE act you will do today? Tomorrow? Next year?

What ONE act can you do to help your neighbour, colleague, team mate, move beyond abuse?

What is one act your company can do to support employees who are escaping domestic abuse?

child one act

What one act can you do for 10 classrooms full of children that we serve each year?

Send in your photo (email to of your Number one finger and tell us what you will do or what you want others to do.

We will use it on social media and on our website to inspire and lead others to help women and children escape violence and abuse in our Region.

If we all do just ONE ACT, together, we can move beyond violence.

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