Impact Report 2023-24

From Awareness to Action

Waterloo Region

Together, supporting women and children moving beyond violence



days of care to women and children

from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024

Looking back at the year…

Message From CEO & Board Chair

Message from CEO and Board

This work also wouldn’t be possible without the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, our donors and community supporters.

Thank you to our community partners, this work is too challenging to do alone.

Jennifer Hutton, CEO

Our Impact At A Glance

Prevention and education participants

crisis support phone calls and online chats

OUtreach clients supported

safe shelter clients supported

Outreach Services


“It’s important to connect with our community and not just work within our four walls on the inside,” said Natascha Hergott, Outreach Manager.

“Doing that safety planning and making clients feel like they have someone in their corner to support them is so impactful.”

Community Partnerships

The outreach team has been actively building partnerships throughout the region to better serve the community’s diverse needs. This includes partnerships with organizations like the Canadian Arab Women’s Association (CAWA), Kitchener Public Library (KPL), Coalition of Muslim Women K-W (CMW-KW), Muslim Social Services Waterloo Region (MSS), the Family Violence Project (FVP) and Family and Children’s Services (F&CS).

These partnerships have been essential for providing inclusive and holistic support to equity-deserving groups. One of the successful partnerships emerged with Craftazya, a small business that offers art workshops featuring quilling and Islamic calligraphy. One of our Outreach Workers, Urouba Kharma, attended to speak about domestic violence and the services we offer in Waterloo Region for women and children. 

This workshop highlights our dedication to healing through many avenues, such as art therapy and our commitment to collaborating with diverse communities. 

“By exploring and learning new self-care techniques, you can build a toolkit of coping mechanisms that you can draw upon as needed,” shares Amira Altahhan, Founder of Craftazya. “Thank you so much, Urouba Kharma, for your presentation about self-care strategies.”

New Prevention Programming

*New* Prevention Programming

Engaging Men

This year marked the launch of an exciting new endeavour at Women’s Crisis Services: our Engaging Men program. Our Engaging Men program pushes the envelope by directly addressing men’s violence against women and fostering healthy relationships.

The program recognizes the importance of supporting families who choose to stay together while addressing risks, prioritizing safety planning and centring individual choice. This approach stems from acknowledging the shame and silence experienced by individuals who stay with their partners.

Through our Engaging Men Program, we work with men in Waterloo Region who use violence towards their partners and families through one-on-one and group counselling. We received 23 self-referrals this year from men who want healthier, happier relationships and families.

Early intervention connections

Individuals supported through engaging men program


Jude Oudshoorn, Engaging Men Consultant 

   Early Intervention Connections


Through our Early Intervention Program, an Outreach Worker spends dedicated time with the officers at Waterloo Regional Police Services (WRPS) to connect with couples experiencing domestic violence. Together, the Outreach Worker and WRPS officer share resources and referrals, such as to our Engaging Men Program. Since Early Intervention provides the majority of referrals to the Engaging Men Program, we have added an Outreach Worker two days a week for couples reaching out for support. 

Youth Education Expansion

WCSWR has expanded its Youth Education Program, recognizing that to interrupt the cycle of abuse, we must focus on violence prevention with youth. Thanks to a grant from the Waterloo Region Community Foundation, we were able to grow the program and hire an additional Youth Education Outreach Worker. Throughout 2023, the program grew exponentially and participants increased by 453%! The first six months of the year saw 66 youth in the program, whereas the following six months had 365.

With a successful pitch to the Waterloo Region District School Board, we are proud to share that we have been invited into various classrooms to run the program beginning in 2024.

    Public Education Presentations


public education presentations

Youth Education participants 


Short Documentary Release

total documentary views


All time podcast downloads


This year, we continued to make strides with our podcast and public education series, She Is Your Neighbour. The series reached new milestones, launching a short documentary and surpassing 20,000 podcast downloads—almost double the previous year’s total!

The short documentary follows the story of Colette, a domestic violence survivor and advocate. It looks back at the creation of She Is Your Neighbour and shares how we support survivors and how the narrative surrounding domestic violence is changing.







All time podcast downloads


The short documentary was shown at the NYC Social Impact Film Festival in addition to winning “Best Canadian Short” at the Change the Script Film Festival. It was also one of 50 films recently accepted into the Oregan Film Festival out of 200+ submissions — and it is one of the only Canadian films to be screened this September! 

A special thank you to Digital Sabbath Film Company for producing this documentary in collaboration with Women’s Crisis Services and She Is Your Neighbour.

We also introduced Season 5 of the podcast, “When Violence Escalates.” In this series, we explored how violence builds, leading to severe incidents and death. The season showcases survivors and experts who discussed the many ways violence can increase and escalate, as well as what we can do to prevent violence from escalating. This season’s in-depth discussions provide valuable insights and actionable steps to help our community understand the risks of escalating violence and how we can all be better neighbours.











Breaking the Silence

Because of you, we raised more than $80,000 through Voices Empower: Walk to Break The Silence! We could not have reached this incredible milestone without your help. More than $60,000 was raised through crowdfunding alone, in addition to funds raised through sponsorships, offline donations and support from our amazing community partners. We can’t thank you enough for helping us raise awareness and funds this year throughout Woman Abuse Prevention Month.

Total Raised


Thank You For Supporting:

Hats Off to Mom!

Thank you for your continued support of our Mother’s Day fundraiser, Hats Off to Mom! After several years of celebrating virtually, we were excited to get together in person for the 6th and final Hats Off to Mom! We are incredibly grateful for your support, and we look forward to coming together in new ways to help women and children move beyond violence. 

Raised Over




















Making A Difference:

Your Fundraising Events

Tracey's Trek For Shelter

Raised: $18,268

Rona's Home Sweet Home Campaign

Raised: $12,433

Veracity Real Estate Solutions Golf Tournament

Raised: $7,000

Alpha Omega Society Breakfast in Bloom

Raised: $3,117

Your Support Matters

We could not fulfill our mission without your fantastic fundraising events held throughout the year. Your support makes all the difference and shows how powerful our community can be!

Total Raised


Donor Spotlight

Donor Spotlight

We have a long history as a society of supporting women and children. They have been forgotten and left to the side a lot, and its something that needs our support. I can’t think of anything more urgent than women and children’s lives.

Nik Klassen, WCSWR Donor

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Womens Crisis Services of Waterloo Region ended the year in a strong financial position. The 2023/2024 fiscal year saw the organization continue its growth in many areas and continue to serve our clients with a high level of care. The team once again rose to the challenges of the year and accomplished them with brilliance. The leadership team showed their dedication and demonstrated that they have the best interest of the organization and clients at heart.

Angela Wilson, Treasurer

Our largest funder is the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services; funding remained relatively consistent this year.

It was amazing to see the community’s generosity through donations and participation in our fundraising campaigns. We had remained cautiously optimistic heading into this year as we are well aware of the current economic environment. The team did a fantastic job this year which led to amazing support from our community allowing Women’s Crisis Services to move forward with several initiatives.

2023/2024 Revenue

2023/2024 Expenses

*Complete copies of the financial statements are available upon request.

Thank you to

our supporters

Our organization thrives thanks to the invaluable support of our funders, donors, and community partners. Together, we are empowering women and children to break free from the cycle of violence. We are profoundly grateful to the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services, our primary funding source, for its essential support.

We also extend our sincere thanks to our local funders. The continued financial support from the Waterloo Region Community Foundation, United Way Waterloo Region Communities and the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation have been instrumental in supporting our safe shelter, outreach, prevention and education programs.

As we move forward into the coming year, we anticipate continued growth in the sector and positive change. Our work is only possible with the collective efforts of our community. Together, we are making a significant impact in helping women and children move beyond violence. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment.

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