Tracey Harrison is a busy lady raising three teenage daughters, advising clients as a financial planner and still committed to weekly volunteering as an administrative volunteer at Women’s Crisis Services. She wholeheartedly believes that everyone should volunteer and give back to the community in order to create a strong and vibrant Waterloo Region.
When I asked her, how she fits it all in, she confides that it is all about priorities and a desire to balance your life by putting time aside in order to help others. She knows that she is not only giving back but she is setting a good example for her daughters. Tracey has invited her daughters to volunteer at our Woman Abuse Awareness event and they learned a lot more than volunteering and giving back; they learned about domestic violence, abuse, surviving and the signs of abuse. Tracey never wants to see her daughters in an abusive relationship and she also knows that she has been given an opportunity to teach her daughters about teen dating, the warning signs and how to get help.
Tracey is a passionate person who strongly believes in helping the women in our community and at the same time show her daughters what it means to be a positive role model in Waterloo Region.
Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate. – Unknown