Safe Neighbours

Educating the community about domestic violence

Violence Prevention in the Community

Do you have questions about how to approach someone who may be experiencing domestic violence? Safe Neighbours is a community resource that gives individuals and teams in Waterloo Region the opportunity to gain tools and knowledge about how you can help someone you care about if you suspect they are experiencing domestic violence.

Presentations are available for community members who want to educate themselves or organizations who want employees to have bystander training.

Violence Prevention Opportunities


Educate Yourself

Presentations for individuals in the community who may be
concerned for a neighbour or loved one.

In these presentations you’ll learn:

          • – Warning signs of domestic violence
          • – How to approach someone who may be experiencing
          • – Dos and don’ts of how to support someone in need

Educate Your Team

Presentations for organizations that want to better recognize
warning signs and red flags in staff or customers. 

In these presentations you’ll learn:

          • – Warning signs of domestic violence
          • – How to approach someone who may be experiencing
          • – Dos and don’ts of how to support someone in need

Together, we are preventing domestic violence.

Interested in attending a presentation?

Fill out the form below to be connected to our Community Engagement team!

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